I went into this year's #Spooky2DJam without knowing for sure if I was going to end up submitting anything. I didn't stress about it too much, and as a result, I ended up having a
great time working on my submission: Out of the Darkness.
Play on itch.io: https://marmadilemanteater.itch.io/out-of-the-darkness
View source on github:

I finally got around to releasing a new version of FreeTubeCordova (v0.19.1.109) which is up to date with the latest upstream FreeTube release.
It includes a fix for the issue that causes the video title, channel name, and download links to not be present on the video page (see screenshots).
It also adds support for hosting the PWA using a docker image thanks to Owen Truong: (https://github.com/MarmadileManteater/FreeTubeCordova/pull/153)
batting tee #GodotEngine #AnotherDayAnotherProject
I have been struggling with my pixels not aligning in godot, and I don't like it, but I found this reddit comment: https://reddit.com/r/godot/comments/fah25e/best_way_to_achieve_pixel_perfect_rendering/fiydmwz/ which seems to have helped ๏ธ
#GodotEngine #AnotherDayAnotherProject
I ran into a problem today with re-parenting nodes within an Area2D.body_entered signal. My game was just crashing abruptly when attempting to re-parent the player node during a scene change. Then, I found an issue on GH that looks similar to what I was experiencing: https://github.com/godotengine/godot/issues/34207 (even if this is technically 3d, not 2d ๏ธ), and I discovered that I could fix my problem by deferring the re-parenting of the player node with a timer
#GodotEngine #AnotherDayAnotherProject
Well, it seems now that the Summer Fediverse Jam is truly over, but I have one more update. Since my submission, I worked to add mouse controls to my game in order to accommodate someone in my life, so if using a mouse is more comfortable for you than using a controller or keyboard, this is the post jam update for you~! (also, I added an
android version)
Play on itch: